Conversations About Race: Danielle Brown

Conversations About Race: Danielle Brown
August 6, 2020
1:00pm - 2:00pm
This is the second of several webinars being hosted by The Leadership Institute, the Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism, and the Apostolate for Black Catholics. Help spread the word with this flyer.

Please join us Thursdays at 1 pm for these important webinars that will focus on the racial challenges we face in America and in the Catholic Church.

Pre-registration for the live webinars (at 1 pm) is required, but registering once will register you for all webinars.

Today: Danielle Brown: Open Wide Our Hearts

Danielle Brown is the associate director for the Ad hoc Committee Against Racism of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. She will be discussing "Open Wide Our Hearts," the USCCB document in which, "the bishops say that racism arises when, either consciously or unconsciously, a person holds that his or her own race or ethnicity is superior and judges other people of other races or ethnicity as inferior or unworthy of equal regard.”

The document addresses many points, including that racism is a sin, especially when it excludes, mistreats or discriminates against people of another race. Danielle will help us unpack the document so we have a better understanding when we read it on our own.

About Danielle
Danielle M. Brown, Associate Director of the ad hoc Committee Against Racism at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), was born and raised in the Archdiocese of Detroit. She is a lawyer licensed in the State of Michigan. Before coming to the USCCB in May 2018, she served on several boards, commissions, and ministries in Lansing, Michigan, including co-founding and leading one of Renewal Ministries’s first young adult discipleship chapters, I.D.916, now known simply as I.D. She was also a diocesan delegate at the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders and the National Black Catholic Congress in 2017. Previously, she was a three-time governor appointed appellate administrative law judge in the State of Michigan, and an assistant deputy legal counsel to the Governor of the State of Michigan.

About Our Virtual Meetings

This gathering is a virtual meeting hosted by Zoom. The link below will take you directly to the registration page. Once you register, you will receive the confirmation email, which includes the link. You will also receive reminders about the webinars in the days leading up to the events. You are encouraged to click it a few minutes before the meeting start time to test your video and sound. You will be automatically placed into a waiting room upon entry until the host lets you in.

Register Here

Please note. If you registered for a prior webinar in this series, you need not register again.

Each webinar will also be rebroadcast for new questions and answers at 7 pm the evening they are held. Links for those are listed as separate events.
Conversations About Race: Danielle Brown
August 6, 2020
1:00pm - 2:00pm