Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers

In a world where animated characters and humans coexist, chipmunks Chip and Dale, once inseparable friends, have drifted apart decades after their hit show “Rescue Rangers” has ended. But when a mutual friend mysteriously disappears, the estranged chipmunks reluctantly reunite to uncover a sinister plot threatening toons across the city.

As their sleuthing leads them from one wild clue to another, their need to work together forces them to confront the deep rifts in their old friendship and reevaluate their priorities.

Packed with countless animated character cameos from various studios while satirizing the film industry, the film offers a lot to laugh at, while at the same time affirming the importance of friendship above the glitz and glamor of show business. The film is rated PG, but does include some slapstick violence and crude humor.

Runtime: 1 hour, 37 minutes
Rated PG
80% on Rotten Tomatoes
IMDb Parents Guide
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