Ordinary Angels
This week’s film is a recent release.
When hairdresser Sharon Stevens (Hilary Swank) reads about the hardships of a local five-year-old girl who urgently needs a liver transplant after losing her mother, she immediately feels compassion for the child and her family. Despite her own personal battles with alcohol, Sharon throws herself into helping the family, organizing fundraisers and rallying the community to ease their crushing medical debt.
As Sharon becomes more involved with the struggling family, she forms a sincere attachment with the children and their widowed father, who’s trying to keep his family afloat. But she soon realizes that she cannot use her determined efforts to save the young girl’s life as a way to avoid facing her own problems. If she really wants to do her best, she’ll have to confront her own struggles and personal failings, including a strained relationship with her estranged son.
Based on an inspiring true story, Ordinary Angels is a heartwarming drama that celebrates the power of human kindness and perseverance, reminding us that ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things. The story also points out the necessity of facing our own struggles with humility and honesty. The film is rated PG and is family-friendly, but does deal with some heavy topics, such as death and alcohol abuse.
Runtime: 1 hour, 58 minutes
Rated PG
84% on Rotten Tomatoes
IMDb Parents Guide
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