White Fang
In the midst of the Alaskan gold rush, young Jack Conroy (Ethan Hawke) arrives in the Yukon Territory to claim his late father’s mining plot. Inexperienced in the harsh realities of the freezing northern wilderness, Jack manages to convince a seasoned prospector to help him navigate the unforgiving landscape.
Along their journey, Jack encounters a young wolf-dog who has been cruelly torn from his mother and forced to endure a series of brutal owners. The animal, later named White Fang, eventually falls into the hands of a vicious dogfight organizer who tries to turn him into a fighting machine. Witnessing the mistreatment, Jack determines to save the wolf-dog and somehow earn his trust.
Based on Jack London’s classic novel, White Fang is a rugged adventure that explores themes of resilience, friendship, and the bonds between humans and animals. The film is rated PG, but contains some mild violence.
Runtime: 1 hour, 47 minutes
Rated PG
USCCB Rating: A-II
IMDb Parents Guide
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