Catholic 101

A list of podcasts, blogs, and videos relating to everything Catholic.

Pints with Aquinas

A podcast addressing many of life’s questions using St. Thomas Aquinas’s writings as guides for answers.

Catholic Stuff You Should Know

Podcast responding to Pope Benedict XVI’s request to use technology to evangelize. “The style and format were entirely hijacked from the professional, well-researched and rather humorless podcast Stuff You Should Know. Our style has been coined ‘consciously unprofessional’”.

Word on Fire

Podcasts, blogs, and videos that utilizes the tremendous resources of the Roman Catholic tradition—art, architecture, poetry, philosophy, theology, and the lives of the saints— in order to explain and interpret the event of Jesus Christ.

Fr. Mike Schmitz and Ascension Presents

A YouTube Channel with short videos discussing relevant topics that relate daily life with Catholic teaching.