From the Field
Learn from musicians and ministers, confessors and counselors, parents and partners in ministry - all eager to share their thoughts and advice for how to improve our shared adventure of missionary discipleship. Pope Francis has encouraged us to see the Church as a field hospital, so these notes from the field are designed to help catechists, parents, and all in parish leadership learn more about how we can encounter others on the journey.
Shared Wisdom
Fr. Leo Patalinghug
Fr. Leo Patalinghug: Let's Talk About Reconciliation
Stacey Sumereau
Stacey Sumereau: Giving God First Option
Chris Padgett
Chris Padgett: Vice vs Virtue
Brian Miller
Brian Miller: Understanding Evangelization
Rachel Leininger
Rachel Leininger: What It Means to Be Poor in Spirit
Jon Leonetti
Jon Leonetti: The Sign of the Cross
Ela Milewska