Using our faith as a common ground, this diocesan mentorship program is an opportunity for the young adults in our diocese to connect with experienced professionals who can serve as an invaluable resource for them as they plan for their future. This mentoring relationship has the ability to make a significant positive impact on the lives of both the mentors and mentees."
— Bishop Frank J. Caggiano
Upcoming Information Sessions
Interested in the program but not ready to sign up? Join us for one of these optional sessions.
Mentors are
- at least 25 years of age
- Catholics who live in (or previously lived in) the Diocese of Bridgeport
- successful in their field of choice
- VIRTUS-trained
Mentors also
- attend a training session and sign the Mentoring Partnership Agreement
- want to encourage and empower young adults’ personal and professional development
- will take the lead in supporting an ongoing relationship with their mentee
- serve as a positive role model
- are patient, kind, and empathetic
- possess strong communication skills
- understand and exemplify what it means to be a Catholic
- are passionate about helping others
Mentees are
- young adults between 18-39
- Catholics living in the Diocese of Bridgeport
Mentees also
- attend a training session and sign the Mentoring Partnership Agreement
- are willing to meet with their mentor and engage in mentoring activities
- commit to self-development/improvement
- are open and honest on goals, expectations, challenges, and concerns
- respect the mentor’s time and resources
- actively listen and ask questions
- seek advice, opinion, feedback, and direction from the mentor
- comfortably give feedback to the mentor on what is working or not working in the mentoring relationship