Burns' Night Supper

Burns' Night Supper
January 25, 2023
Pryor-Hubbard Hall; Georgetown Oratory
20 Church Street
Redding , Connecticut 06896
Cost: $20/adult; $10/child
On Wednesday, January 25th at 7:30 PM in Pryor-Hubbard Hall, the Jesus Guild will celebrate a Burns' Night Supper. There will be a dinner of Haggis, Neeps and Tatties with accompaniments. (There will be an alternative meal for those who love Scotland but not Haggis). Highland attire is encouraged.

Come join us for Mid-Winter merriment! Burns' Night is a traditional Scottish celebration, honoring Scottish poet Robert Burns who is the author of Auld Land Syne. It is a wonderful opportunity to honor the bard, enjoy an evening out with family and friends and partake in much merriment! To make a reservation, please use the QR code on the flyer above or go to guildburnsnight.eventbrite.com


Website: guildburnsnight.eventbrite.com 
Burns' Night Supper
January 25, 2023
Pryor-Hubbard Hall; Georgetown Oratory
20 Church Street
Redding , Connecticut 06896
Liz Sweeney