Documents That (Still) Matter #3

Documents That (Still) Matter #3
October 13, 2021

About The Document

We will study Dei verbum. It is in hearing the message of Christ that people believe, and in believing, we hope, and through hope, we learn to love more perfectly. We Catholics believe that Divine Revelation is the Word of God expressed in the words of man. We have access to God through Scripture and that helps us to share in God's nature.

To read the document, click here.


Our Presenter: Kathi Bonner

Kathi Bonner is a life-long Catholic and lover of Sacred Scripture. She is the Director of Faith Formation at Saint Catherine of Siena Parish, West Simsbury, CT (20 years) and holds a BA in Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary and an Advanced Certificate from the Catholic Biblical School Married. Kathi has been married for 35 years and has three grown children and three granddaughters.



About Our Virtual Meetings

This gathering is a virtual meeting hosted by Zoom. The link below will take you directly to the registration page. Once you register, you will receive the confirmation email, which includes the link. You will also receive reminders about the webinars in the days leading up to the events. You are encouraged to click it a few minutes before the meeting start time to test your video and sound. You will be automatically placed into a waiting room upon entry until the host lets you in.

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Documents That (Still) Matter #3
October 13, 2021