Documents That (Still) Matter #9
Documents That (Still) Matter #9
April 13, 2022
7:30pmAbout The Document
Tonight we will study Redemptoris missio. This encyclical by Pope John Paul II published on 7 December 1990 coincided with the twenty-fifth anniversary of Vatican II's Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity, Ad gentes. It is devoted to the subject of "the urgency of missionary activity" and in it, the pope wished "to invite the Church to renew her missionary commitment.
It is universally acknowledged as a successor to Vatican II documents including Lumen gentium (Light of the Nations) and Ad gentes (To the Nations), to Pope Paul VI's document on evangelism, Evangelii nuntiandi (Evangelization in the Modern World), and is a predecessor to Pope Francis' Evangelii gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel).
Download a copy here.
Our Presenter: Marilyn Santos

Marilyn Santos is the Associate Director of the Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. She previously served as the Director of Mission Education in the National Office of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States. She has held leadership positions in youth, young adult, and cultural diversity ministries in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, the Diocese of Brooklyn, and the Diocese of Metuchen. Marilyn served as the President of La RED-the National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana and as a consultant for the USCCB Secretariat on Laity, Marriage, Family & Youth. She served as a VIDES-Salesian Sisters Missionary in Ecuador. She has spoken and presented workshops at multiple national and diocesan conferences and gatherings including those sponsored by the USCCB, NCEA, NCCL, NFCYM, LA Religious Ed Congress, and the Mid-Atlantic Congress. She currently serves as a member of the Holy Name Province of the Order of Franciscan Minors (OFM) Formation and Studies Directorate. Marilyn Santos es la directora asociada de la Secretaría de Evangelización y Catequesis en la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos. Anteriormente se desempeñó como Directora de Educación Misionera en la Oficina Nacional de las Obras Misionales Pontificias en los Estados Unidos. Ha ocupado puestos de liderazgo en ministerios de jóvenes, jóvenes adultos y diversidad cultural en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta, la Diócesis de Brooklyn y la Diócesis de Metuchen. Marilyn se desempeñó como Presidenta de La RED,la Red Católica Nacional de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana y como consultora de la Secretaría de USCCB sobre Laicos, Matrimonio, Familia y Juventud. Ella sirvió como VIDES-Hermanas Salesianas Misioneras en Ecuador.Ella ha hablado y presentado talleres en múltiples conferencias y reuniones nacionales y diocesanas, incluidas las patrocinadas por NCEA, NCCL, NFCYM, LA Religious Ed Congress y Mid-Atlantic Congress. Actualmente es miembra de la Dirección de Formación y Estudios de la Orden de los Franciscanos Menores (OFM) de la Provincia del Santo Nombre.
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Documents That (Still) Matter #9
April 13, 2022