Postponed: Establishing Parish Bereavement Ministry: A How-To Workshop
Postponed: Establishing Parish Bereavement Ministry: A How-To Workshop
September 18, 2021
10:00am - 12:30pmThis event is postponed.
Communities of faith can provide invaluable social, spiritual, and emotional support to grieving members of their congregation. In this workshop, we will take an in-depth look at this relationship of care.
What kinds of support can a church community provide? What are the uniquely spiritual or religious concerns that may arise in a person's grief? How do we recognize the need for more professional help than we can provide? How can we care for ourselves or other members of our grief ministry as we sit with others in their pain?
This interactive conversation will include a discussion of concrete scenarios and time to explore any questions you may be facing in your ministry.
About Our Speaker
Nicholas Collura earned a Master of Divinity and trained as a spiritual director at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. He is a board-certified healthcare chaplain, having completed his clinical pastoral education at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and at Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, and he serves as a visiting retreat director at St. Raphaela Center in Haverford, PA. A former Jesuit, he has also ministered on several college campuses, at a L'Arche community in the Pacific Northwest, and at juvenile halls and adult state prisons in California.

Postponed: Establishing Parish Bereavement Ministry: A How-To Workshop
September 18, 2021
10:00am - 12:30pm