Faith Formation Leaders Quarterly Meeting 9/16

Faith Formation Leaders Quarterly Meeting 9/16
September 16, 2021
9:30am - 2:00pm
Holy Spirit Parish, Stamford
In addition to our bi-weekly virtual calls, all faith formation leaders are invited to join in person for prayer, food, and conversation.

There is no business at these meetings – just a chance to get together and support one another. Let us know if you would like to host a meeting.

To RSVP, please complete the form below:

About Our Presenter

We are grateful to Kathryn Angulo Valenzuela from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, who will guide our time together.

Born in Mexico and raised in Colombia, Katherine received a B.A. in Modern Languages in 2000 from King College in Tennessee and a M.A. in Pastoral Ministries in 2005 from St. Thomas University. She has more than 19 years of experience in youth ministry. She began as a Youth Minister at St. Mary's Church in Johnson City, Tennessee, where she later became the Director of Pastoral Ministries. After nine years, she became the Director of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Raleigh. Before coming to the McGrath Institute, Katherine served for four years as the Associate Director of Youth Ministry at the Office of Formation and Discipleship for the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Angulo was the creator and Editor of The Mark, a Catholic teen magazine, and the Executive Producer of the volunteer training program, Called to Accompany/Llamados a Acompañar. Currently, she is part of the Board of Directors for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM).
Faith Formation Leaders Quarterly Meeting 9/16
September 16, 2021
9:30am - 2:00pm
Holy Spirit Parish, Stamford