Virtual Come-and-See with the Little Sisters of the Poor
Virtual Come-and-See with the Little Sisters of the Poor
March 4, 2023
2:00pm - 3:15pmZoom Event
Virtual Visit to the Little Sisters of the Poor
Little Sisters of the Poor
Enfield, Connecticut 06082
Join us for a Zoom gathering with the Little Sisters of the Poor ~ This event is for single Catholic women 17-35 who would like to get a glimpse into the consecrated religious life and see where (and how) the Little Sisters live their prayer life, community life, and apostolic life
Come and See
Come and See
Virtual Come-and-See with the Little Sisters of the Poor
March 4, 2023
2:00pm - 3:15pmZoom Event
Virtual Visit to the Little Sisters of the Poor
Little Sisters of the Poor
Enfield, Connecticut 06082
Sister Carolyn Martin
(860) 402-4478