From the Field
Learn from musicians and ministers, confessors and counselors, parents and partners in ministry - all eager to share their thoughts and advice for how to improve our shared adventure of missionary discipleship. Pope Francis has encouraged us to see the Church as a field hospital, so these notes from the field are designed to help catechists, parents, and all in parish leadership learn more about how we can encounter others on the journey.
Shared Wisdom
Katie Patrizio
Katie Patrizio: Making Sense of "Peter, Do You Love Me?"
Fr. Leo Patalinghug
Fr. Leo Patalinghug: Going to Mass Is Good For You
Ansel Augustine
Ansel Augustine: Engaging Other Cultures
Rachel Leininger
Rachel Leininger: Coming to Terms With Anger
Jon Leonetti
Jon Leonetti: I Want to Be A Saint
Tony Melendez
Tony Melendez: Being Present at Home
Vikki Shepp
Vikki Shepp: Why We Serve Others
Sarah Hart
Sarah Hart: Living with Anxiety
Katie Prejean McGrady