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The goal of our weekly email is to encourage our clergy, Catholic school teachers, parish catechists, and parents, to work together when it comes to building Catholic identity.

We know that even under the best circumstances, linking families that exist only in our Catholic schools to the life of a parish can be tough. The same is true for families in our faith formation programs and ministries. Leaders must work to bridge these three communities (schools, faith formation, and parish) into one parish family. Our hope is that this newsletter allows all members of these groups to understand that we live one faith, no matter how we interact with one another.

A weekly email blast may change little at first, but perhaps it will allow us to begin by acknowledging that we are one community of faith, sharing in the same Eucharistic feast, with access to similar resources.

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Get tips for living our faith at home, suggestions, and reminders for upcoming liturgical feasts, holidays, and holy days, as well as ideas for connecting the life of the parish and/or school with the busy home life of our families.

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