A Thought for the New Year

I’m sorry…I didn’t mean it I take it back Strike it from the record What is as irreversible as murder, violates its victims more than theft, is as deadly as… Read More

Near Faith Experiences

All around us this season are near-faith experiences – experiences of other people’s faithfulness that challenge us to evaluate how we live our own lives. My friend, Marlene, lost her… Read More

Can You Say Hero?

Mr. Rogers has been the news lately. Though he’s been gone for years, his name keeps coming up because the new feature film, starring Tom Hanks, is a hit. Many… Read More

Please, I want to see

This week in Luke’s Gospel, we hear the story of the man born blind. There it is, the great and powerful question that Jesus asks us all: “What do you… Read More

Helping Children Struggling with Anxiety

The National Institute of Mental Health and one of the world’s top anxiety researchers says that for most kids, feelings of worry won’t last, but for some, they will —… Read More

How Well Do You Know the Class of 2023?

How Well Do You Know the Freshman Class of 2023? Every year, the Mindset list is published about the incoming college freshman. It began as a project to prepare college… Read More

A Prayer for the First Week of School

Master and Teacher, Bless the students who will have trouble settling down this week, whose minds are still at the beach or at grandma’s swimming pool, or the amusement park… Read More

Conversations About Race: Read

Below are some resources compiled by The Leadership Institute for discussing race and racism. When using these books or movies, adults should be cautious to avoid projecting their own experiences… Read More

Conversations About Race: Watch

Movies Adults (and families with older teens) Do The Right Thing (1989) Quintessential movie about police brutality. Fruitvale Station (2013) The story of Oscar Grant (Michael B. Jordan), a 22-year-old… Read More

Conversations About Race: Listen

 Other Great Podcasts Floodlines from The Atlantic An audio documentary about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Floodlines is told from the perspective of four New Orleanians still living with… Read More

The New Battle: Parents and Screen Time

Now that we are securely ensconced in summer, the battle between parents and children over how much time kids spend on their devices has taken on a new dimension –… Read More