First Week of Advent: Hope
Opening Prayer
Loving God, accompany me on my journey through Advent.
As I move through my daily tasks and responsibilities,
renew my hope in you, and in your will for my life.
Help me to watch for your coming in unexpected ways,
to hold fast to your word and to your promise,
and to trust that you are leading me at every moment.
Grant my prayer through Jesus Christ, your Son and my Hope. Amen.
Video Reflection for the Family
We are grateful to Kathryn Angulo Valenzuela from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, who will guide our virtual retreat this year.
Join Kathryn as she invites us to open our hearts in preparation for the joy of Christ's upcoming birth.
Nativity 3D Coloring Book
During Advent and Christmas, many Christian families display a Nativity set or crèche. Download the 3D Nativity Coloring Kit and follow along here each week to build the nativity with your children.
Go outside at night. Depending on where you are, look up at the stars, watch the snowfall, or just breathe in the fresh air. Imagine what it might have been like to see a multitude of angels coming down from heaven. Take a few moments to remember their song—“Glory to God in the highest!”—and thank God in your heart for the gift of his Son.
Spend five minutes in prayer for the world. Pray for peace.Pray for the strength to meet the challenges ahead in a spirit of love. Fast from whatever is most dear to you today and offer it for the good of the people who are experiencing real suffering.
Antiphon Reflections For Adults
O Adonai by Carolyn Pirtle
O sacred Lord of ancient Israel, who showed yourself to Moses in the burning bush, who gave him the holy law on Sinai mountain: come, stretch out your mighty hand to set us free.
Advent Travels
2nd Annual International Crèche Display and Pilgrimage: Love Incarnate With Us Dwells
A few years ago, the International Crèche Collection was on loan from the Marian Library, International Marian Research Institute in Dayton, Ohio, and is on display at the Eck Visitors Center, the Morris Inn, the Coleman-Morse Center, Geddes Hall, and the Main Building