Third Week of Advent: Joy

Opening Prayer

Almighty God and Father, fill me with true joy—
joy that is rooted in knowing that you love me,
joy that invites others to learn of your love for them,
joy that cannot be broken, even in the most difficult moments.
May I follow the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary
and rejoice always in you, my God and my Savior—
you who have done and continue to do great things
for those who believe in you, who hope in you, who love you.
Grant my prayer through Jesus Christ, your Son and my Light. Amen.

Video Reflection for the Family

Nativity 3D Coloring Book

During Advent and Christmas, many Christian families display a Nativity set or crèche. Download the 3D Nativity Coloring Kit and follow along here each week to build the nativity with your children.


Antiphon Reflections For Adults

O Oriens by Megan Shepherd

O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.


Advent Travels

4th Annual International Crèche Display and Pilgrimage: En Camino A Belen

A few years ago, the International Crèche Collection was on loan from the Marian Library, International Marian Research Institute in Dayton, Ohio, and is on display at the Eck Visitors Center, the Morris Inn, the Coleman-Morse Center, Geddes Hall, and the Main Building



We made a Spotify playlist of gorgeous seasonal music to fill your soul with the reverence of the season.

See the Playlist

Advent Baking

Panettone Italian Christmas Sweet Bread

Panettone, an Italian Christmas Sweet Bread a not too sweet yeast bread, filled with raisins, candied fruit or Chocolate Chips. A delicious way to celebrate the Holidays.

View Recipe

Check out all our Advent resources
