Workshop Descriptions
Check out all the great workshops planned for Diocesan Ministry Day 2020
Parish Council Track - 10:45 am - 3:45 pm
Lounge (Second Floor)
This track will run in the faculty lounge and will take breaks, etc. as they wish.
Rich Curran, founder of Parish Success Group, will lead a special track throughout the diocesan ministry day specifically for parish pastoral council members. Since Bishop Caggiano decreed in June 2019 that all parishes establish a parish pastoral council “for the good of the faithful of the diocese,” we thought it would be helpful to offer formation for council members. These workshops are open only to you and your parish council members and will focus on the following topics: the role of the parish pastoral council, growing new leadership, planning for the future, setting realistic goals, and communicating your vision.
Presented by Rich Curran, founder of Parish Success Group
Workshops Round One - 10:45 am - Noon
Catechist Formation: Face-to-Face - Auditorium
This workshop mirrors the face-to-face requirement for those who did not have a chance to attend one of the 35 parish-hosted sessions. To receive credit, please make sure you sign in for the session when it begins. Face-to-face formation is required for all current catechists and is a prerequisite to the online formation, which launches in February 2020.
Presented by Patrick Donovan, Director of The Institute for Catholic Formation for the Diocese of Bridgeport.
Liturgical music: Engaging the Assembly in Sung Prayer - Room 111
Music has always been a critical aspect of the liturgical life of the Catholic Church. What characteristics make music especially appropriate for the sacred liturgy? This workshop will explore the question through the lens of the USCCB document Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, and will focus on how can liturgical music can adorn the sacred rites with beauty, while also engaging the assembly in sung prayer.
Presented by Dr. Bill Atwood, Director of Music at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Trumbull.
Scripture and Contemplative Prayer - Room 113
Catholics as a whole have a general ignorance of the Bible. It is called the Achilles Heel of Catholicism. The Old Testament contains little used texts of great literature and beauty that can heighten segments of human experience. Many people come to religion, or back to religion, by way of great literature. Part of the workshop will discuss four biblical texts that meet the criterion of great literature and communicate something truthful about the human condition and shed light on the mystery of God.
Another hook that can keep people attached to the Catholic faith is Contemplative Prayer. Today, many Catholics have a desire for a deeper prayer life. Indeed, our secularist culture has produced in many “nones” a deep-seated yearning of the spirit. People’s souls are undernourished. Beyond vocal prayer, beyond making intercessions, is contemplative prayer. Growing in prayer does not mean adding more vocal prayers. Contemplative prayer is regarded as a normal development of the Christian life. We not only talk to God; we listen to God. The Church teaches that all men and women in every vocation should seek doing Contemplative prayer. The workshop will deal with conditions for contemplative prayer, methods of doing contemplative prayer, effects on lifestyle.
Presented by Dr. Thomas Hicks, a Professor Emeritus at Sacred Heart University. For twenty years he taught courses in Psychology and Religious Studies at Sacred Heart, during which time he received Outstanding Faculty, Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership awards.
Brown, White and Black – Ministry in the coming, diverse American Catholic Church - Room 114
Today, the majority of American Catholics under age 40 are Latino. How do we prepare for parish ministry in a Church that will be increasingly diverse – racially, ethnically, linguistically and culturally? Discussion will focus on current experience in various Fairfield County parishes, as well as findings by Patricia Wittberg in Catholic Cultures: How Parishes Can Respond to the Changing Face of Catholicism, 2016.
Presented by Msgr. Christopher J. Walsh, Ph.D., Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Church, Bridgeport.
Estate Planning does not have to be Boring - Room 116
Believe it or not, no matter how large or how modest, everyone has an estate. It’s just a way to talk about all the things you own. Something else we have in common is we can’t take it with us when we die. When that happens, you will want a say in how those things are given to the people or organizations you care most about and to ensure your wishes are carried out. That is what estate planning is all about—making a plan in advance and naming whom you want to receive the things you own after you die. A good estate planning can be much more than that- it can give you peace of mind. Together we’ll discuss all the considerations of a good estate plan.
Emily Wilson was a delegate to the 2014 Diocesan Synod and is an attorney specializing is care for seniors.
The 3-Dimensional Catechist, Part 1: BEING - Library
Catechists are called to be formed in 3 areas: BEING, KNOWING, and DOING. In this first of 3 sessions, Joe Paprocki, D.Min., will explore what catechists need in order to remain spiritually healthy. Before catechists focus on what they should KNOW and what they should DO, they need to focus on who they are called to BE. (participants are not required to attend all 3 parts)
Presented by Joe Paprocki, D.Min., a National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Promoting Holiness in the Next Generation - Room 210
There are so many things today that are drawing our children to grow up faster. How can we encourage holiness when children and families are so busy? Explore this topic with Blythe Kaufman who has spent the last eight years working with young people both in the United States and throughout the world.
Presented by Blythe Kaufman DMD MDS, a Catholic wife, Mother of three, frequent guest on EWTN, and Founder of the Children's Rosary.
Christus vivit: Pope Francis’ New Framework for Youth and Young Adult Ministries - Room 211
Following a multi-year global listening process, Pope Francis released Christus Vivit, a landmark document on the Church’s ministries with youth and young adults. Come learn about this new framework and how it might impact every person and every effort in the Church today.
Presented by Paul Jarzembowski, lead staff for youth and young adult ministries for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) within the Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth.
Pastoral Juvenil- El Acompañamiento de Jóvenes En Su Encuentro con Cristo - Room 212
En este taller exploraremos la pastoral juvenil, sus principios, metodologías y mejores prácticas con un enfoque especial en Christus Vivit, la exhortación apostólica del Papa Francisco escrita a los jóvenes y a quienes los acompañan. También vemos cómo se relaciona con “youth ministry” y “young adult ministry” en los Estados Unidos.
In this workshop we will explore pastoral juvenil, its principles, methodologies and best practices with a special focus on Christus Vivit, the apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis written to young people and those who accompany them. We also see how it relates to “youth ministry” and “youth adult ministry” in the United States.
Presented by Marilyn Santos, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Moving Toward Whole Family Catechesis - Room 213
It is a sadly familiar lament among Catechists that what we can do in a classroom matters little if the child goes home to spiritual apathy. But consider this question: Did we as Church not give to those parents when they were children the very same catechesis we currently offer? Is not the definition of insanity repeating the same actions but expecting a different outcome?
Valerie Byrnes will share the experiment currently underway at Holy Spirit parish in Stamford to break the cycle and to re-evangelize the parents so as to bring the family as a whole to a fuller conversion of heart, sharing both the successes and failures while inviting discussion about what others have tried and experienced.
Presented by Valerie Byrnes, Director of Faith Formation, Holy Spirit Stamford.
Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit - Room 214
What are the steps to living in deeper friendship with Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit? Using stories from her years as a teacher and evangelist, Kathleen Keefe will cover the blocks to healing the wounds that prevent us from experiencing the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Presented by Kathleen Keefe, an author, public speaker, teacher and evangelist who has been in the teaching and healing ministry since 1987 in the United States, Italy and Ireland. She is the founder and director of Peace Through Divine Mercy, for priestly and family renewal, an apostolate of intercession and evangelization in the Archdiocese of New York. Her newest book, Retreat from the World, is a memoir about the miraculous intervention of God in the healing of her son and the deeper conversion of a priest through the power of the Holy Spirit.
True Love that Lasts - Room 215
Learn the secret of growing true love that lasts. How a single question a day can help you enjoy and love your spouse more for a lifetime ––– starting Immediately. In the beginning of their newest book, Bishop Caggiano says, “Jim and Carol Steffen outline a very simple recipe for a strong, healthy marriage. By asking one question a day, husbands and wives can work together to build a relationship that endures. I invite couples of all ages and experience to take up Jim and Carol’s challenge of growing true love that lasts using the one question a day.”
Presented by Jim Steffen, author of international bestseller "Aligned Thinking" and coach to leaders in more than 160 Fortune 500 companies. Jim's latest book, which he co-authored with his wife, Carol, is called "The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts” and launches today!
Ministry with Children with Special Needs - Room 216
We are called to be Christ’s healing presence in the world. How can we use this challenge to lead us in ministry to children with special needs? How do we engage them in a faith life that is meaningful while recognizing the mutuality of the experience?
Presented by Helen Burland, Executive Director of Saint Catherine Center for Special Needs, Diocese of Bridgeport.
Hope and Healing for the Caregiver - Room 217
Caregivers often become the silent victims of their loved one’s disease, leaving them emotionally and spiritually depleted. Learn how to tap into God’s strength in order to walk this path in the most loving and life-giving way.
Presented by Fr. Tom Lynch, retired priest of the Diocese of Bridgeport and co-author of "After the Diagnosis: A Guide for Living."
Workshops Round Two - 1:00 - 2:15 pm
How to present The Catechism of the Catholic Church in 10 sessions to adults in your parish - Room 111
The New (1992) Catechism of the Catholic Church is a treasure for intentional Catholic Christians who want to confirm what the Church really teaches. This workshop describes how to present the CCC in a manageable survey fashion to adults, leaving ample time for discussion of the key dogmas as well as time for burning questions or contemporary hot issues.
Presented by Maryann Knag, prolific Bible Study coordinator and Scripture scholar.
The Gift of Accompaniment - Room 113
Our mission as catechists and parents is to accompany others on their journey. How can we accomplish this to include parents, young people, and the parish in a more imaginative and meaningful way?
Presented by Mary Wood and Madeline Romano, master catechists with more than 30 years of experience leading young people and their families closer to God.
What is a funeral and how do you plan one? - Room 116
Walk through the stages of the Catholic funeral and the steps required for planning a funeral liturgy - your own or someone you love. Learn more about how to write words of remembrance and the important role they can play in a funeral. This is a practical workshop filled with resources and great advice.
Presented by Sister Mary Ellen Genova,CSFN. Sister has served as a Pastoral Associate, specifically as the Director of Pastoral Outreach at St. Rose of Lima in Newtown. She ministers to the sick, the dying, home hospice parishioners and the bereaved. Sister also assists families as they plan funeral liturgies for loved ones.
Seven Steps to Evangelization (English and Spanish) - Auditorium
What qualities are necessary to be an active, engaging evangelist for your Catholic faith? Join Tony and his brother, Jose, for a journey through seven qualities they believe are necessary for those who want to share the faith more effectively.
Presented in English and Spanish by Tony and Jose Melendez
The 3-Dimensional Catechist, Part 2: KNOWING - Library
Catechists are called to be formed in 3 areas: BEING, KNOWING, and DOING. In this second of 3 sessions, Joe Paprocki, DMin, will explore what catechists need to KNOW when it comes to the Catholic faith. The focus will be on the four pillars of our faith: Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer. (participants are not required to attend all 3 parts)
Presented by Joe Paprocki, D.Min., a National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Promoviendo Santidad in the próxima generación - Room 210
Hay tantas cosas hoy que están atrayendo a nuestros niños a crecer mas rápido. Como podemos alentar santidad cuando niños y familias están tan ocupados? Explore esta tema con Blythe Kaufman y su hijo Asher (edad 13) quien han pasado los últimos ocho años trabajando con jóvenes en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo.
Blythe Kaufman DMD MDS (Esposa Católica, Madre de tres hijos y Fundadora del Rosario de Niños) y Asher Kaufman (miembro del Rosario de Niños e invitado previo de EWTN Español Television y Radio.)
There are so many things today that are drawing our children to grow up faster. How can we encourage holiness when children and families are so busy? Explore this topic with Blythe Kaufman and her son Asher (age 13) who have spent the last eight years working with young people both in the United States and throughout the world.
Blythe Kaufman DMD MDS (Catholic Wife, Mother of three and Founder of the Children's Rosary) and Asher Kaufman (a member of the Children's Rosary and previous guest of EWTN Español TV and Radio.)
Creative Strategies for Engaging Young Adults - Room 211
Inspired by Pope Francis’ Christus Vivit, the Church is challenged to explore creative, “outside the box” ways to connect with and accompany young adults in college and in their 20s and 30s. This session will guide participants through this dynamic and synodal process, navigating ecclesial structures, and with a sharp focus on a missionary and vocational vision for young adults in Church and society.
Presented by Paul and Sarah Jarzembowski. Sarah is the Coordinator of Campus and Young Adult Ministry, Archdiocese of Baltimore. Paul is the lead staff for youth and young adult ministries for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) within the Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth.
A Saint for All Seasons: Embracing the Saints - Room 212
Saints can be our “big brothers and sisters” in the faith whose stories inspire us and whose witnesses encourage us on the journey of discipleship. Let’s explore the tradition of saints, share our own devotions, and perhaps meet some new heavenly intercessors!
Presented by Nicole Perone, Archdiocesan Director of Adult Faith Formation, Archdiocese of Hartford.
How to bring young people back to Church - Room 213
A recent Pew Research Center study found that half of young Americans (50 percent exactly) who were raised Catholic no longer identify as Catholic today. It’s not enough to just sit back and hope our children will return. We need a proven road map. In this workshop we will look at 7 simple strategies you can use right now to draw youth back to the church. This is designed for catechist, youth ministers, parents and grandparents.
Brenner LeCompte is Director of Youth Ministry for St Mary Parish Ridgefield and serves as Co Vice-Chair to the Diocesan Youth Advisor Council for the Diocese of Bridgeport, CT.
Catholic Relief Services: Transforming Faith into Action & Preserving Human Dignity - Room 214
Feel inspired! There is plenty GOOD happening in the world today! Catholic Relief Services is the official humanitarian aid organization of the Catholic Church, carrying out the commitment of the bishops of the United States for 76 years. CRS helps the poor and vulnerable overseas in over 100 countries by responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies. In this workshop you will learn how this agency, which is now chaired by our own Bishop Frank Caggiano, assists the poor and vulnerable around the world and how together with our faith, we can make a difference.
For the past four years, Sarita has been a member of the Foundation Board of Catholic Relief Services and with them, has traveled to six countries witnessing CRS’s life-changing programs in: Haiti, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, and recently, El Salvador. Sarita continues to be a strong advocate for the impoverished, both for CRS and domestic causes. Sarita has a master’s degree in Industrial & Organizational Psychology from NYU and is a Dame of the Order of Malta. She had the honor of being a spokesperson for the 100th Anniversary year of Catholic Charities of Fairfield County. She lives in Stamford with her husband of 30 years and has 4 wonderful adult children.
Get the Most from Your Time, Life and Career - Room 215
Most people would like to overcome the ever-present challenges that include having too much to do and not enough time to accomplish their goals. In this workshop, Dr. Jim Steffen will use is many years of experience to help participants accomplish more of the important things in life as they seek to improve their work/life balance.
Presented by Jim Steffen, author of international bestseller "Aligned Thinking" and coach to leaders in more than 160 Fortune 500 companies. Jim's latest book, which he co-authored with his wife, Carol, is call "The Secret of Growing True Love That Lasts.
Re-thinking Middle School - Room 216
Most people remember middle school as the most awkward time of their lives. However, did you know that most young adults who have decided to leave the faith did so before the age of 13? Engaging middle school youth is simple, although it’s not easy work. During this breakout session, we’ll talk about what works and what doesn’t, hearing from someone who was in the middle school youth trenches for years. Come ready for simple, but impactful ideas to change the course of the youth of your parish!
Katie Herzing is the Senior Parish Coach at Our Sunday Visitor. She works with churches throughout the United States to create a written vision for their parish to transform focusing on evangelization, communication, hospitality, formation, and more.
Why Do We Need a Mature Faith? - Room 217
When faced with the complexities of adult life, a naive, grade-school faith will invariably let us down. Learn how to nurture a mature faith that will empower you to face challenges as our Lord did - with great faith, hope, and love.
Presented by Fr. Tom Lynch, retired priest of the Diocese of Bridgeport and co-author of "After the Diagnosis: A Guide for Living."
Workshops Round Three - 2:30 - 3:45
Why We Do What We Do At Mass! - Room 111
Our Catholic Mass, the Church's highest form of worship, takes shape with bodily postures, gestures and actions. We sit! We stand! We kneel! Our bodies, temples of the Holy Spirit and destined for a glorious resurrection, are the vehicles through which we render praise to God. In this presentation Dr. Joan Kelly will explore the Biblical origin and historical and liturgical significance of the various signs and symbols we routinely perform such as taking holy water upon entering the church, making the sign of the cross, standing for the Gospel, facing East, striking the breast and much more! A great opportunity to enhance your understanding and appreciation of Why We Do What We Do At Mass!
Presented by Joan Kelly, professor at Sacred Heart University and member of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission.
Welcome to Walking With Purpose - Room 113
Current research paints a grim picture for American women in an increasingly isolating culture. Six out of ten women say they are dissatisfied with their work-life balance. What’s more, for many Catholic women, they’re struggling to find the intersection of the everyday challenges they face with the faith they profess. At Walking with Purpose, though, we have reason to be hopeful. For twelve years, we’ve been witnessing the transformation that occurs in hearts, families, and parishes when women find support in faith-based communities of their own making. Through our parish program ministry, we’ve created a path for lay women to establish vibrant communities where they are welcomed to come as they are. We’ve equipped program participants with the tools to grapple with life’s struggles by looking for the truths found in Scripture.
During this workshop, you’ll see how the Walking with Purpose parish program offers free online training and mentoring support to help launch and grow a parish program without placing additional burdens on parish staff. You’ll hear about the programs offered at 18 parishes in the Diocese of Bridgeport and leave knowing how you can bring this transformative program to the women of your parish. Representatives from WWP will be available in the cafeteria during lunch to answer any questions.
Presented by WWP Director of Participant Experience, Laurie Baschwitz, Regional Area Coordinator, MariCarmen Losada and Ministry Growth Representative, Jeannie Gillespie.
Readers and EMHC: Face-to-Face - Room 114
This workshop mirrors the face-to-face requirement for those who did not have a chance to attend one of the 100+ parish-hosted sessions during the grandfathering sessions last year. It will also serve as the formation for any newly invited readers and EMHCs who need to fulfill this requirement prior to service in their parishes.
Presented by Patrick Donovan, Director of The Institute for Catholic Formation for the Diocese of Bridgeport.
The Benefits of Bereavement - Room 116
This workshop will focus on several questions for those in a parish who wish to establish or enhance their bereavement ministry. Why those who are grieving need your support? How to find the best program for your parish? Understanding the role of the facilitator? How to recruit and train facilitators? How to advertise to the community? How to do caller intake interviews? How to welcome participants and conduct the sessions?
Presented by Bereavement Teams from several parishes in the Diocese of Bridgeport.
The 3-Dimensional Catechist, Part 3: DOING - Library
Catechists are called to be formed in 3 areas: BEING, KNOWING, and DOING. In this third of 3 sessions, Joe Paprocki, DMin, will explore the skills that catechists need in order to effectively facilitate faith formation sessions in which those they teach truly encounter Christ. The focus will be on basic teaching skills as well as techniques for creating a climate of encounter. (participants are not required to attend all 3 parts)
Presented by Joe Paprocki, D.Min., a National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts and God’s Gift: Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Community of Faith: Role of Sponsors and the Community in Confirmation Prep - Room 210
The sacrament of confirmation seals us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and for most young people, completes the sacraments of Initiation. Confirmation preparation can be a time to mentor young people to grow in their relationship not only with Christ but also with the people of God. This workshop will focus on the role of the sponsor and parish community in confirmation preparation. Participants will also explore simple ways in which to engage the sponsors and parish more in the process.
Presented by Ela Milewska, Executive Director, Department of Youth Faith Formation, Archdiocese of New York.
Intergenerational Young Adult Ministry: A Pastoral Response to the Epidemic of Loneliness - Room 211
Nearly half of all Americans have experienced extreme loneliness. In this workshop, we will learn how different adult generations experience loneliness and discuss potential pastoral responses. Through intergenerational accompaniment we can respond to the epidemic of loneliness.
Presented by Sarah Jarzembowski, Coordinator of Campus and Young Adult Ministry, Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Vino nuevo del Papa Francisco para la Nueva Evangelización - Room 212
La Nueva Evangelización nos llama a cada uno de nosotros a profundizar nuestra fe, creer en el mensaje del Evangelio y salir a proclamar el Evangelio. El enfoque de la Nueva Evangelización llama a todos los católicos a evangelizar y luego a evangelizar. De manera especial, el Papa Francisco ha enfocado la Nueva Evangelización como una invitación a un discipulado misionero más profundo. Juntos discutiremos este enfoque y cómo inspira tanto nuestro viaje de fe personal como el acompañamiento de los demás.
The New Evangelization calls each of us to deepen our faith, believe in the Gospel message and go forth to proclaim the Gospel. The focus of the New Evangelization calls all Catholics to be evangelized and then go forth to evangelize. In a special way, Pope Francis has focused the New Evangelization as an invitation to a deeper missionary discipleship. Together we will discuss this focus and how it inspires both our personal faith journey and accompaniment of others.
Presented by Marilyn Santos, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Keeping Kids Safe Online - Room 213
Technology is everywhere and has consumed many of the younger generation. With notifications for games, social media, texts and more, our phones are often ringing, dinging, or vibrating. Many of those phones are in the hands of young people, leading professionals and parents to ask: How do you know your child is being safe in this digital world where we live? Computers and mobile devices with online access can put children's safety at risk. In this workshop we will address the latest and most popular apps among children, cyber-bullying, digital footprints and sexting. What parents should be watching for and solutions to monitor online activity.
Brenner LeCompte is Director of Youth Ministry for St Mary Parish Ridgefield and serves as Co Vice-Chair to the Diocesan Youth Advisor Council for the Diocese of Bridgeport, CT.
Tweeting for Jesus - Room 214
With the proliferation of digital media, anybody with a Facebook account or an email address can be a communicator. The communications world has become fast moving, technologically advanced, and overwhelming. In this workshop, we will learn effective and accessible communications strategies to use in our parishes, ministries, and in our personal lives that will allow us to share the light of Christ to a world that desperately needs it.
Presented by John Grosso, Director of Digital Media at the Diocese of Bridgeport.
Using Technology in Your Prayer Life - Room 215
As people of faith, we know how essential it is that we nurture our connection with God through a deliberate and intentional prayer life. This task can prove challenging in light of the busyness of daily life and the distractions that surround us. In a world full of new and exciting technology, can the digital sphere help enhance our prayer lives and allow us to grow closer to God? Come explore some ways that technology can sanctify our time.
Presented by Nicole Perone, Archdiocesan Director of Adult Education, Archdiocese of Hartford.
Radical Hospitality - Room 216
Making an intentional plan for our future is the secret to having a successful future in both matters of our personal lives and business. It’s also the secret to being intentional about the growth of our parishes. Let’s talk about some radical, out of the box ideas for hospitality at our parishes. Things leaders as well as parishioners can do to change the way our fellow Christians experience Church. We’ll discuss Hospitality and how it relates to Discipleship and Evangelization. Participants will leave with many ideas that can be implemented right away at the parish as well as a plan for the future. We will also talk about the importance of a Parish Coach and how a coach can help us achieve goals we didn’t realize were possible!
Katie Herzing is the Senior Parish Coach at Our Sunday Visitor. She works with churches throughout the United States to create a written vision for their parish to transform focusing on evangelization, communication, hospitality, formation, and more.
Catholic Social Teaching: It's Not What You Think - Room 217
Often called the “best kept secret of the Catholic Church," Catholic social teaching seeks to apply the essence of Christian moral principles to life in society. It offers a powerful way of thinking about what the common good requires, and how structures in society can promote or undermine human well-being and the requirements of justice. In fact, Pope Saint John Paul insisted lay Catholics form their consciences on its tenets and live it through their public and private lives. Come learn more about how what we believe shapes who we are.
Robert A. Nalewajek is Executive Vice President of CAPP in the USA and a former member of its board at the Vatican. (Pope Saint John Paul created CAPP in 1993 to “promote the knowledge and practice of Catholic social teaching”.)