Workshop Descriptions
Check out the workshops planned for Ministry Day 2023!
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Workshops Round One - 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Como Construir Tu “Caja de Herramientas” para la Evangelización (en español)
Un buen carpintero/obrero siempre tiene una caja de herramientas – es el secreto para poder completar su labor. Para nosotros como obreros/carpinteros en la viña del Señor, tenemos que aprender a como construir nuestra propia caja de herramientas para nuestra labor. En este taller, discutiremos sobre las herramientas que toda caja debe tener (y como utilizarlas), y aquellas que son forjadas para cada individual y su vocación.
Presented by Bertha Peralta-Rodriguez, the Director of Ministry Formation for the Archdiocese of New York.
Consagración a Jesús a través de María (en español)
Es desafiante cultivar santidad con la multitud de distracciones y el secularism que son ubicuos hoy. Tenemos una Madre Celestial quien desea ayudarnos encontrar el camino a su Hijo. Pero tenemos que pedirle su ayuda. Este viaje de Consagración es el pedido que hacemos a Nuestra Santisima Madre para tal asistencia. Descubre más sobre el viaje de Consagración de 33 Días que el Obispo Caggiano y el Diócesis de Bridgeport estarán haciendo en enero de 2024 y como usted puede participar.
Presented by Blythe Marie Kaufman, founder of the Children’s Rosary, an international prayer group movement for children, and Asher Kaufman, Spanish translator.
This is How to Evangelize
The Church doesn't have a mission, the Church is a mission - tasked with the duty to proclaim Christ to the ends of the earth. And this duty isn't just for priests and nuns - every Christian has the obligation to spread the Good News of Christ everywhere they can. But how can we do that, practically? What does it look like to live out missionary discipleship in the midst of the world, that all may know Christ as the true treasure and joy of our hearts?
Presented by Fr. Joseph Gill, chaplain of Cardinal Kung Academy in Stamford, and as pastor of St. Jude's in Monroe.
Lection Divina
"The word of God is living and effective". God still speaks to our hearts through the words of His Son, through the teachings of the apostles, and even through the promises of the prophets. Learning not merely how to read scripture, but how to engage it and listen to it, Lectio Divina allows the living and enduring Word of God to really take root, not only in our minds, but in our imaginations and in our hearts.
Presented by Fr. Ford, Vocations Director, Director of Campus Ministry and Chaplain to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.
This is How We Bury the Dead: Preparing/Planning Parish Funerals
When a loved one dies, we want to prepare a beautiful funeral Mass, but the burden of grief can make this difficult. Learn how to minister to families in their time of need by assisting them to prepare a prayerful and beautiful funeral liturgy that gives glory to God and honors the deceased in Christ.
Presented by Dr. Bill Atwood, the Diocesan Director of Music and Director of Music for The Cathedral Parish in Bridgeport, and by Mary Ellen Kovacs, the Pastoral Care Director at Saint Catherine of Siena Parish in Trumbull.
Is the Pandemic Really Over for Our Young People?
The uncertainty and instability brought on by the pandemic hit many young people very hard. It was not just a road bump on an otherwise mapped-out route, but an abrupt detour that upended their expectations and plans. The impact has been significant on developmental markers and moments for many young people. And they may not recover as quickly as adults because they lack resilience. This session will identify the challenges that remain post-covid and practical initiatives that form an effective ministerial response.
Presented by Bob McCarty, pastoral ministry consultant and trainer and chair of the adult faith formation team at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fulton, MD.
This is How to Write a Successful Grant
Do you have a project or activity that you want to create, but just don't have the budget to do it? Maybe you need to consider writing a grant request! Grant writing is easy if you know how to do it! This workshop will give you a tutorial on how to write a grant, some possible prospects in the Diocese of Bridgeport, and how to customize your approach for each funder you pursue.
Presented by Maggie McCarty, freelance consultant in fundraising and non-profit management.
This is How You “Manage an Effective Small Group.”
In this highly interactive session, participants will learn tips and tricks for managing small groups, whether it is for children’s faith formation, youth ministry, or a bible study. It will include how to deal with common personality traits, asking questions to lead to deep discussions, and ways to manage tasks and relationships.
Presented by Ela Milewska, Executive Director, Department of Youth Faith Formation, Archdiocese of New York.
This is How to Deal with Kids Who Missed Sacraments for Soccer
… or any other reason. When teenagers come to faith formation for the first time since First Communion (or Baptism . . . or ever!?), what do you do? In this workshop, we’ll consider some essential questions and explore a simple framework for welcoming and accompanying young people (and their families!) who are seeking the Sacraments of Initiation outside of the typical times.
Presented by Amy McEntee, Publisher at RCL Benziger.
This is How We Engage High School Young People
Relationships! Relationships! Relationships! That is what it is all about. They want to feel safe, loved and accepted. Young people want to be in relationship with other young people and trusted adults. Let's share with each other what has worked and what has not worked.
Presented by Jim Flanagan, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at the Christ by the Sea Catholic Collaborative in the Archdiocese of Boston.
How to Have a Happy Marriage
All structures that are built to last need a strong foundation and the right materials and tools to build, maintain and even fix them. Lifelong marriages are the same; they need proper tools to make them strong, happy, healthy and fruitful. Learn techniques and practices that can help couples establish or reestablish healthy communication and togetherness.
Presented by Valerie St. Jean, newly appointed Coordinator of Adult and Family Ministry for The Center for Catholic Education and Formation at Archdiocese of Hartford, CT.
Workshops Round Two - 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Como Escuchar con los Oídos del Corazón (en español)
“Escuchar” es una palabra que aparece con frecuencia, especialmente en la Escritura. El Papa Francisco nos dice que “La verdadera sede de la escucha es el corazón… En la acción pastoral, la obra más importante es el “el apostolado del oído”.” ¿Pero cómo podemos aprender esta valiosa habilidad? ¿En qué manera nos ayuda a ser las personas que Cristo nos llama a ser? En este taller, exploraremos técnicas de cómo mejorar nuestra habilidad de escuchar, maneras de cómo usar estas técnicas, y como nos ayuda en el día a día de no solamente nuestros ministerios, pero nuestras vidas.
Presented by Bertha Peralta-Rodriguez, the Director of Ministry Formation for the Archdiocese of New York.
This is How to Raise Faith-Filled Children
Generation Z and Alpha seem to be abandoning the Faith in great numbers - but the hungers of the human heart remain the same. How can we pass along that most precious gift (our relationship with Jesus through the Catholic Church) to the next generation? In particular, parents are faced with the monumental task of helping their kids become deeply grounded in Jesus Christ - but with God's grace and the support of the Church, it is indeed possible to raise kids who love the Lord!
Presented by Fr. Joseph Gill, chaplain of Cardinal Kung Academy in Stamford, and as pastor of St. Jude's in Monroe.
This is How to Do Service Well
Come discover how simple service to our brothers and sisters can lead to deeper encounter with Christ for our young people. Chris will share about components of a non-traditional approach to Youth Ministry that has prayer, service and worship as the core pillars. Discover how to plan and execute service opportunities that engage teens as leaders and offer participants an understanding of the "why" of service, using scripture, prayer and reflection. Practical tips on locating service in our diocese and engaging not only teens, but our youngest disciples.
Presented by Chris Otis, Youth Minister at St. Aloysius in New Canaan.
This is How to Teach Young People to Pray
We pray in so many places! We pray for so many reasons! We pray in so many ways! Let's look at the words Gimme, Oops, Wow, Thanks, Why, Yes. Come share with us your favorite prayer.
Presented by Jim Flanagan, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at the Christ by the Sea Catholic Collaborative in the Archdiocese of Boston.
This is How to Create a Welcoming Parish
- Learn new strategies to reinvigorate your parish community and create a welcoming environment
- Understand different levels and methodologies of communication within your parish across generation
- Link creative ideas within your parish with Bishop Caggiano’s vision on “The One” to further enhance parish leaders’ ability to bring parishioners to a renewed encounter with Christ
- Develop small “communities” within your parish to enhance spiritual and community growth
Presented by Deacon John DiTaranto, the Director of the Permanent Diaconate for the Diocese of Bridgeport.
How to Be Happy
The session will examine the ways in which Scripture and the Saints define happiness and recommend a way to live a happy life. More than simply emotional contentment, “happiness” in the context of the Church has implications that touch on sacrifice, obedience to God’s will, and service. Key words like “beatitude” and “beatific vision” will serve as foundational principals for a lively discussion about happy discipleship.
Presented Msgr. Robert Kinnally, Vicar General of the Diocese of Bridgeport.
From Advent to Ashes: Reconnecting the Disaffiliated at Key Moments of Return
Each year around the holidays and again around Lent, the Church experiences a unique phenomenon: religiously-disaffiliated individuals make a “moment of return” to the Church. The reasons are varied and each person’s journey is distinct, but what is common is that our pews are usually filled to capacity on Christmas and Ash Wednesday (and people are generally more open to faith in the seasons of Advent and Lent). Inspired by these experiences, Paul and Sarah will unpack how we can leverage these moments for meaningful encounters, pastoral accompaniment, and effective evangelization.
Presented by Paul and Sarah Jarzembowski. Paul serves as the Associate Director of the Laity at the USCCB in Washington DC, and Sarah serves as the Director of Marriage and Family Life at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Crofton, Maryland, within the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
How to Encourage and Support Vocations
The question is often asked, “How can I as a Catholic parishioner, encourage and support vocations?” Our session today will try to answer that question with ideas that have grown from our own Ministry, providing you with some resources to encourage those considering Religious, Deaconate and Priest vocations and to support those who have followed God’s call to service to the Church.
Presented by Serra Vocations Ministry, a lay Catholic ministry that encourages and supports vocations around the world.
How to Engage, Accompany and Evangelize Parents
During this workshop we will discuss the role of parents and guardians from the time of baptism and beyond. Participants will be invited to:
- Explore methods for evangelizing parents and families,
- learn practical ways to accompany parents on their own spiritual journey,
- develop partnership with parents assisting them as first teachers of the faith.
Presented by Joe Long, Director of Children’s Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of New York.
This is How You Enable Women to Grow Closer to Christ Through a "Walking with Purpose" Bible Study
Find out how Walking with Purpose is transforming hearts and bringing women closer to Christ! Learn how to launch and lead a Walking with Purpose parish Bible study program and experience first-hand the transformative nature of one of the lessons from our foundational study, Opening Your Heart.
Presented by Laura Phelps, Catholic speaker, author, and Content Creation Manager at Walking with Purpose (WWP), a national women's Bible study.
Workshops Round Three - 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Como Utilizar las Artes en la Evangelización (en español)
Las artes (ej. música, la escritura, artes visuales, teatro, etc.) siempre han sido métodos de comunicación por siglos, especialmente en la propagación de la fe. Vemos algunas de estos métodos en la Escritura, en la vida de muchos santos, y hoy en día. ¿Pero cómo podemos incorporar estos métodos en nuestra labor de evangelización? En este taller exploraremos ejemplos y herramientas que podemos utilizar en la catequesis, pastoral juvenil, vida familiar, para llevar el mensaje de Cristo a las periferias.
Presented by Bertha Peralta-Rodriguez, the Director of Ministry Formation for the Archdiocese of New York.
How to Engage Middle School and High School Students
Many people are daunted by the task of putting together a youth ministry program or teaching religious education to teens. But we have no need to be afraid of them! Young people want to know Christ and want to be loved - and we, as adults and ministers, can help them experience the love they desperately long for. You don't have to be "hip" or young to minister to youth - simply by being an authentic Catholic, you will be relatable to young people!
Presented by Fr. Joseph Gill, chaplain of Cardinal Kung Academy in Stamford, and as pastor of St. Jude's in Monroe.
Is the Pandemic Really Over for Our Young People?
The uncertainty and instability brought on by the pandemic hit many young people very hard. It was not just a road bump on an otherwise mapped-out route, but an abrupt detour that upended their expectations and plans. The impact has been significant on developmental markers and moments for many young people. And they may not recover as quickly as adults because they lack resilience. This session will identify the challenges that remain post-covid and practical initiatives that form an effective ministerial response.
Presented by Bob McCarty, pastoral ministry consultant and trainer and chair of the adult faith formation team at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fulton, MD.
This is How to Write a Successful Grant
Do you have a project or activity that you want to create, but just don't have the budget to do it? Maybe you need to consider writing a grant request! Grant writing is easy if you know how to do it! This workshop will give you a tutorial on how to write a grant, some possible prospects in the Diocese of Bridgeport, and how to customize your approach for each funder you pursue.
Presented by Maggie McCarty, freelance consultant in fundraising and non-profit management.
This is How to Pray When You Are Angry at God
Bad things happen to good people. Natural disasters, mass killings, and catastrophic medical diagnoses seem to happen every day. Some days, evil in the world feels so overwhelming that even the most faith-filled among us yell, “Where are you, God?!” We will explore lament, angry prayers, and ways to sustain faith when you or someone you love is mad at God.
Presented by Amy McEntee, Publisher at RCL Benziger.
This is How You “Encounter the Word”
Take a moment to grow in your own connection with the Word—the Good News of Jesus Christ. When we bring the kerygma alive in our own lives, sharing it with others becomes second nature.
Presented by Ela Milewska, Executive Director, Department of Youth Faith Formation, Archdiocese of New York.
This is How to Prepare Young People to Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation
"How do we celebrate?" It is the most nerve-racking Sacrament to walk into but the most peaceful Sacrament to walk out of!
Presented by Jim Flanagan, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at the Christ by the Sea Catholic Collaborative in the Archdiocese of Boston.
From Advent to Ashes: Reconnecting the Disaffiliated at Key Moments of Return
Each year around the holidays and again around Lent, the Church experiences a unique phenomenon: religiously-disaffiliated individuals make a “moment of return” to the Church. The reasons are varied and each person’s journey is distinct, but what is common is that our pews are usually filled to capacity on Christmas and Ash Wednesday (and people are generally more open to faith in the seasons of Advent and Lent). Inspired by these experiences, Paul and Sarah will unpack how we can leverage these moments for meaningful encounters, pastoral accompaniment, and effective evangelization.
Presented by Paul and Sarah Jarzembowski. Paul serves as the Associate Director of the Laity at the USCCB in Washington DC, and Sarah serves as the Director of Marriage and Family Life at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Crofton, Maryland, within the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
How to Use Sign, Symbol and Sacred Story to Form Others in Faith
Catholicism is rich with signs of God’s presence, symbols of faith and stories of how God works in our lives. These have the power to inspire, engage emotions and convey our belief, and connect us with the Divine. During this workshop we will explore the signs, symbols and stories connected with our liturgical and devotional life and how these lead others into an encounter with God, connect the mysteries of faith and form us to live out our faith. Using the basic symbols from the sacraments and some from popular devotion, the participants will be able to experience new ways of using the symbols of our church, methods to share them and connect them to daily life.
Presented by Joe Long, Director of Children’s Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of New York.
How to Teach the Bible to Young Children
Learn how to present an interactive Bible workshop to middle school children and up. Based on the book by Joe Paprocki, The Bible Blueprint, this workshop will help facilitate understanding and comfort with the Bible’s structure, how to locate scripture passages, and most importantly how the Bible can help the reader encounter and form a living relationship with Jesus, the Word made flesh.
Presented by Valerie St. Jean, newly appointed Coordinator of Adult and Family Ministry for The Center for Catholic Education and Formation at Archdiocese of Hartford, CT.
Consecration to Jesus through Mary
It is challenging to cultivate holiness with the multitude of distractions and the secularism that are ubiquitous today. We have a Heavenly Mother who wishes to help us to find the straight path to her Son. But we need to ask for her help. This Consecration journey is the request we make to Our Blessed Mother for such assistance. Find out about the 33 Day Consecration journey Bishop Caggiano and the Diocese of Bridgeport will be making in January 2024 and how you can participate.
Presented by Blythe Marie Kaufman, founder of the Children’s Rosary, an international prayer group movement for children, and Asher Kaufman, Spanish translator.