Encounter and Accompaniment
My Dear Friends,
For many weeks, you have heard me talk about the primary components of The One: encounter and accompaniment.
A deep relationship with the person of Jesus Christ begins with an encounter – an experience of God that moves us, inspires us, challenges us, and improves us. It might happen at a wedding, a funeral, or a family meal at home. An encounter could happen at a life-changing moment like the birth of a child or in an intimate conversation with a close friend.
All of us, at some point, have likely experienced an encounter with the Lord. Today, I am writing to invite you to share your stories of these encounters. I would like to collect your stories in writing, by audio recording, or even by video. These stories would be shared in this space in future newsletters.
The second component is accompaniment. Again, this can take many forms. Think back to the person who first taught you about the faith? Who introduced you to our Lord? Who journeyed with you during a difficult time in your life? Who taught you how to pray?
These people accompanied us. Often, with some thoughtful remembering, we can recall those who accompany us. In many cases, those friends and family members, or clergy and religious, still accompany us today. It may not take the form of a regular meeting, but often we are accompanied throughout of lives by people who are willing to listen, cajole, or even challenge us. I would like to collect these stories too.
If you have a story to share, simply reply to this email. After the new year, someone from my office will be in touch to begin collecting stories.
Throughout this Advent season, may you continue to experience encounters with our Lord and may these encounters bless you each and every day.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Frank J Caggiano
Bishop of Bridgeport