The Princess And The Frog
The Princess and the Frog is Disney’s animated “classic” that takes a new twist on an old tale. Though the movie came out when the children were much younger, we love the story and found ourselves watching it – or rather the children watched it – on a recent road trip (the only time there is a movie in the car).
Set in New Orleans during the Jazz Age, young Tiana searches for true love and comes face-to-face with snooty debutante (and childhood friend) Charlotte, ancient voodoo priestess Mama Odie and the evil Dr. Facilier. She works hard for what she gets and has a tough time dealing with people intent on taking what she has earned away from her. Tiana’s struggle in the movie is to discover that what she wants is far different than what she needs – a valuable lesson for all of us.
Take a look sometime and sing along. But be ready for some conversation about black magic – and how the devil really does prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Runtime: 97 minutes
Rated G
85% on Rotten Tomatoes
IMDb Parents Guide