Hotel Transylvania
Count Dracula is afraid of humans, what with their torches and pitchforks, and has built a grand hotel to help protect fellow monsters from the dangerous human world. But on the eve of his daughter’s 118th birthday party (a vampire’s equivalent of an 18th birthday), who should stumble into the hotel but a young energetic human who’s excited to explore a new place.
Dracula is quick to disguise the human as a monster so as not to distress any other monsters, but he seems helpless to stop his daughter from falling in love with the guy’s natural optimism and penchant for making things fun. Feeling that he’s doing what’s best for his daughter, Dracula sets about doing his best to drive the human away.
Hotel Transylvania is a light-hearted romantic comedy from an overprotective father’s point-of-view, ultimately affirming the importance of love and family. The monsters are more cartoony than scary, but some images may frighten very young viewers. The film also includes some crude humor.
Also, Dracula does not say “bleh, bleh, bleh!”
Runtime: 1 hour, 31 minutes
Rated PG
USCCB rating: A-II
IMDb Parents Guide
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