Zathura: A Space Adventure
In this Jumanji spin-off, a board game brings its players the intergalactic perils of outer space rather than the jungle.
To pass the time while their father’s away, two brothers, who have a tough time getting along, begin playing a mysterious board game they found in the basement. When it becomes obvious that the game’s space-themed antics are coming to life, the boys must use every ounce of cleverness they can to survive the game’s strange and surprising dangers.
But as the game continues and its dangers grow, the boys realize that they’ll have to mend their strained relationship with each other if they’re to have any hope of making it through the game in one piece.
Like Jumanji, the film manages to pair seemingly serious dangers with a whimsical humor that keeps the adventure fun. It also explores the inevitable troubles of sibling rivalry, ultimately affirming the value of family.
Runtime: 1 hour, 41 minutes
Rated PG
USCCB rating: A-II
IMDb Parents Guide