Summary of the 2020/2021 Annual Report on the Charter

Every year the USCCB Office of Child and Youth Protection compiles a report on progress made in US Dioceses on the implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. This report presents the 18th annual independent audit of the United States bishops’ implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, adopted in 2002 and updated most recently in 2018. Enclosed your will find a summary of the annual report and the complete report may be found at

Download Summary of the Annual Report on Charter Implementation

To report abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult or an incident of child pornography in the Diocese of Bridgeport involving any person from the Church, call DCF at: 1.800.842.2288 and Erin Neil, L.C.S.W. at: 203.650.3265 or Michael Tintrup L.C.S.W. at: 203.241.0987. You may also contact a Third-Party reporting hotline at: or call: 833.990.0004or fill out a written report of abuse or neglect at: