Talking to Young People About Ukraine
If your young people have heard about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, they might be feeling anxious. For many, this is the first experience of watching a war unfold on television and on the Internet. Sadly, thanks to social media and online outlets, young people have access to an excess of stories, images, and videos moments after an event happens. Many are likely to have questions about the history between the two countries and how the clash may affect the rest of the world.
Use these resources to help unpack the tragedy as it unfolds and remember to pray daily for the conversion of Russian leaders and safety for the Ukrainian people.
General Prayers
A Catholic’s Prayer for Ukraine
Hear the cries of victims of violence
Prayers for things that shake my faith
From CRS and NFCYM
A guide to help formation leaders discuss this difficult topic with young people.
Conflict and Youth & CRS Response Ukraine
A list of resources, statements, facts, and how you can help.
Resource List- Ukraine and Ministry Tools
A step-by-step guide as to how you can use your ministry with young people to activate a network of change.
A guide to keeping young people safe, including a list of best practices.
Youth Safeguarding – CRS Guidance for Working with Minors
How Catholic Relief Services and Caritas are providing support to Ukraine refugees in Moldova.
Ukraine Emergency Response in Moldova
Respuesta de emergencia de Ucrania en Moldavia
CRS’ Megan Gilbert interviews Caroline Brennan who is on the ground in Moldova as CRS works with our partner Caritas to help refugees seeking safety from the war.
CRS Facebook Live Recording on YouTube
Catholic Relief Services works with organizations around the world to help poor and vulnerable people overcome emergencies, earn a living through agriculture and access affordable health care.
From St. Mary’s Press
A prayer service you can edit and use in your parish or school.
Praying with and for the Suffering Body of Christ
Students enjoy participating in guided imagery. Work together to create your own.
Writing a script for a guided meditation
Making Scripture part of our lives is the task of every Christian. Here are some simple step to help the Word become enfleshed in you.
How to pray with Scripture: Lectio Divina
A list of Scripture references that speak of justice and human dignity.
The Scriptures and Concern for Justice
This eLearning sampler course introduces students’ hearts and minds to the Catholic social teaching theme of solidarity.
Prayer Services
Use these to gather together in prayer, edit them to make them your own. Share them with others and encourage young people to pray with their families.
Prayer Service for Families Coping with Traumatic Events
O Prince of Peace,
Once more we hear the guns of war,
Once more we see the faces
Of frightened children.
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
That they may be granted peace;
We pray for the people of Russia,
That they may demand peace;
We pray for our country,
That we may be a positive part
Of peacemaking in the world.
O Prince of Peace,
Lead us from this dark time
To a deeper understanding
Of the global human family,
So all may break bread together
In the secure embrace of peace.