Documents That (Still) Matter #11

About The Document We will be reading Pope Benedict’s Caritas in veritate, translated means Charity in Truth. It is about all contemporary forms of human development in charity and truth as well… Read More

Documents That (Still) Matter #9

About The Document Tonight we will study Redemptoris missio. This encyclical by Pope John Paul II published on 7 December 1990 coincided with the twenty-fifth anniversary of Vatican II’s Decree on… Read More

Documents That (Still) Matter #7

About The Document “We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves… Read More

Documents That (Still) Matter #6

About The Document “The family is the building block of society,” said Pope St. John Paul II. He had a special love for families, seeing in them the beautiful reflection… Read More

Documents That (Still) Matter #4

About The Document We will read Lumen gentium. In 1964, the Second Vatican Council taught that the council fathers wanted to “bring the light of Christ to all men, a light… Read More

Documents That (Still) Matter #3

About The Document We will study Dei verbum. It is in hearing the message of Christ that people believe, and in believing, we hope, and through hope, we learn to love… Read More

Documents That (Still) Matter #2

About The Document We will study Gaudete in domino, published in 1975 and proclaimed by Pope Paul VI as a Holy Year. Gaudete in Domino situates the current concerns and shows the… Read More

The Catholic Biblical School Orientation

The Archdiocese of Hartford Catholic Biblical School (CBS) has been a kind of “hearing aid” for thousands of adults throughout New England as they engage God’s Word in every book… Read More

Family Bible Challenge

The Leadership Institute of the Diocese of Bridgeport is pleased to present the Family Bible Challenge. Now in its ninth season, the Family Bible Challenge continues to expand. We welcome… Read More

Eight Ways to Care for Gen Z in a Post-Pandemic World

They’ve changed, and so have you. Rooted in new research, these 8 tips will help you rebuild trust, understand where young people are at, and exercise empathy.  We have the tools to help care for… Read More

Grieving What We Have Lost: Life Beyond the Pandemic

The pandemic has not been all bad. We have had more time with family and time to catch up on reading, binge-watching, and more. But it has been a difficult… Read More