Family Movie Nights

To help families spend time together and share common experiences, The Leadership Institute provides recommendations for Family Movie Night. Each week, a new movie recommendation and explanation is available for your consideration. Enjoy the show!

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Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
This week we join three friends as they travel through the wilderness looking for a way home. This week, we watch Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993). Homeward Bound is ceaselessly… Read More
Inside Out
We’re back to Pixar this week as we enjoy a movie about emotions, thoughts, and memories. That’s right, it’s time for Inside Out! Inside Out tackles the story of Riley,… Read More
The Princess And The Frog
The Princess and the Frog is Disney’s animated “classic” that takes a new twist on an old tale. Though the movie came out when the children were much younger, we… Read More
Toy Story 3
In anxious anticipation for Toy Story 4, which comes at on the feast of John the Baptist (look it up), we went back in time to see how the saga… Read More
Percy Jackson
The first Percy Jackson movie (there are two) is one we come back to again and again. Since it was available for streaming for free the other night, we watched… Read More
When you look at your own life, what do you see? This week’s feature is one of my favorites. If you can make it through the first 10 minutes without… Read More
Bridge to Terabithia
This week’s suggestion is one for the rental category. It’s a cute movie, though young children might find it pretty sad. Still, older kids (7-11) will find it exciting. I… Read More
Shrek 2
It was back to the archives this weekend as no one could settle on a movie and the children are all in the musical, Shrek, at school.  So we used… Read More
Meet The Robinsons
Every once in a while, we choose a movie from ones we own already and Friday night was one of those nights. Nearly everyone agreed that Meet The Robinsons fit… Read More
Captain America: The First Avenger
When the family sat down to watch Captain America the first time, we did not know it would set us down the road leading through the Marvel Comic Universe. We… Read More
How To Train Your Dragon (I and II)
Most of the time, we read the books before we watch the movie. That was true with The Bridge to Terabithia, all of the Narnia movies, and even most of… Read More